News — vinosubacquei

Jamin mette a invecchiare sott’acqua 20 tipi di vini e distallati

Jamin ages 20 types of wines and spirits under water

"The bottles, equipped with microchips, were immersed in Portofino. It is the largest operation of its kind ever done. The project has 281 investors..." Il sole 24 ore reports on our blockchain method to ensure track&safe for immersed bottles.

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emanuele kottakhs
I fondali di Portofino diventano una cantina sperimentale per vini e liquori

The seabed of Portofino becomes an experimental cellar for wines and spirits

Follow the link to read and watch the video published by Secolo XIX

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Gli “Under Water Wines”, dagli abissi del mare una moda che conquista il mercato del lusso

The"Under Water Wines", from the depths of the sea a fashion that conquers the luxury market

Wine News dedicates a space to Under Water Wines in particular to Jamin and his continuous climb on Mamacrowd. Follow the link and read the entire article to become part of this "marine" world.

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i vini dal mare e l'affinamento subacqueo del vino

Wines aged at the bottom of the sea - Jamin Portofino the deepest underwater cellar in the world

the technique of refining wine at sea, since 2003 in Spain a "current" has started which is now credible and supported by world experts.

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