Among yesterday's guests was also Olga Sofia Schiffino, best AIS sommelier of Liguria 2019, founder of the blog Wine Lovers Italy but above all our friend.
His Blog published Jamin's press release which got everyone's interest very strong.
"The bottles, equipped with microchips, were immersed in Portofino. It is the largest operation of its kind ever done. The project has 281 investors..."
Il sole 24 ore reports on our blockchain method to ensure track&safe for immersed bottles.
"...The business is managed by Jamin, a start-up founded in 2018 that has 9 employees with a 2021 turnover of 500 thousand euros and a forecast for 2022 of 1.8 million...." Ansa writes about us.
"Yesterday, following the operation at sea, Repubblica wrote: "The Portofino Marine Protected Area becomes a laboratory to study and analyze what happens at the bottom of the sea for wines and spirits...."
To read the entire article click on the link