News — cantinamare

Portofino, quelle bottiglie di vino pregiato sotto il mare

Portofino, those bottles of fine wine under the sea

"Yesterday, following the operation at sea, Repubblica wrote: "The Portofino Marine Protected Area becomes a laboratory to study and analyze what happens at the bottom of the sea for wines and spirits...." To read the entire article click on the link

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Innovazione del vino, questa startup ha brevettato il cantinamento subacqueo

Wine innovation, this startup has patented the underwater wine cellar

Startup Business tells about Jamin and the patent to make underwater cellaring not just a utopia but a reality.

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Gli “Under Water Wines”, dagli abissi del mare una moda che conquista il mercato del lusso

The"Under Water Wines", from the depths of the sea a fashion that conquers the luxury market

Wine News dedicates a space to Under Water Wines in particular to Jamin and his continuous climb on Mamacrowd. Follow the link and read the entire article to become part of this "marine" world.

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Jamin: la prima azienda italiana a conservare il vino in mare

Jamin:the first Italian company to store wine at sea

The economic and social observatory Riparte L'Italia has entered the world of UnderWater Wines by talking about Jamin and its Equity Crowfunding campaign on Mamacrowd to read the entire article follow the link

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