News — wine

Innovazione del vino, questa startup ha brevettato il cantinamento subacqueo

Wine innovation, this startup has patented the underwater wine cellar

Startup Business tells about Jamin and the patent to make underwater cellaring not just a utopia but a reality.

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Gli “Under Water Wines”, dagli abissi del mare una moda che conquista il mercato del lusso

The"Under Water Wines", from the depths of the sea a fashion that conquers the luxury market

Wine News dedicates a space to Under Water Wines in particular to Jamin and his continuous climb on Mamacrowd. Follow the link and read the entire article to become part of this "marine" world.

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Jamin: il cantinamento subacqueo di vini

Jamin:the underwater wine cellar

"Jamin is present on the platform Mamacrowd . Jamin Portofino is the the first company in Italy specialized in services for underwater wine cellaring , and the only one to have registered a patent on UnderWaterWines , creating the first Champagne AOP UnderWater, refined in iso-pressure conditions in the protected seabed of Portofino at -52 metres. ..."

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RADIO 105 intervista Emanuele Kottakhs CEO di Jamin Portofino Underwaterwines

RADIO 105 interviews Emanuele Kottakhs CEO of Jamin Portofino Underwaterwines

Emanuele Kottakhs, CEO and Founder of Jamin Portofino, guest on Sunday 18 July at 10.40 am in the format "105 startup", hosted by Annie Mazzola and Alessandro Sansone and included in the program TUTTO BENE A 105, on air from 9 am to 12 pm every Saturday and Sunday.

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