News — press

Jamin mette a invecchiare sott’acqua 20 tipi di vini e distallati

Jamin ages 20 types of wines and spirits under water

"The bottles, equipped with microchips, were immersed in Portofino. It is the largest operation of its kind ever done. The project has 281 investors..." Il sole 24 ore reports on our blockchain method to ensure track&safe for immersed bottles.

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Vino: a Portofino si sperimenta il cantinamento sottomarino

Wine: Portofino Experiments with Underwater Cellaring

"...The business is managed by Jamin, a start-up founded in 2018 that has 9 employees with a 2021 turnover of 500 thousand euros and a forecast for 2022 of 1.8 million...." Ansa writes about us.

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Innovazione del vino, questa startup ha brevettato il cantinamento subacqueo

Wine innovation, this startup has patented the underwater wine cellar

Startup Business tells about Jamin and the patent to make underwater cellaring not just a utopia but a reality.

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Jamin: la prima azienda italiana a conservare il vino in mare

Jamin:the first Italian company to store wine at sea

The economic and social observatory Riparte L'Italia has entered the world of UnderWater Wines by talking about Jamin and its Equity Crowfunding campaign on Mamacrowd to read the entire article follow the link

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