"Wine and cellar are an inseparable pair, but an innovation is trending in the wine market and in particular in niche (read 'luxury') wine: it's called underwater cellaring , the market it is creating is that of 'under water wines', or wines that are refined on the seabed, few bottles and few cellars yet, but definitely growing. The first Italian experiment, carried out by the Portofino startup 'Jamin Portofino', was the refinement of 3000 bottles of champagne at -52 meters, the first Champagne AOP UnderWater. A great success, and a sort of proof of concept: ..."
To read the full article follow the link.. https://www.startupbusiness.it/innovazione-del-vino-questa-startup-ha-brevettato-il-cantinamento-subacqueo/108973/